Wow ! How brave you have been ! I am so impressed with your insight, fortitude and courage. Standing up for yourself and building your own life is what being a bada$$ is all about. This should be published in all women's magazines. Right on !

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This is coming from the original badass! Thank you.

Courage is sometimes another word for "the only option I have is to go forward and with total abandon."

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This should be published in all women's magazines.

I totally agree, Sandra

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May 28Liked by Jill Ebstein

I resonate with so much of this, Jill. I was a freelance trainer for over ten years. It's a tough balancing act between how small you want to be and how much you need to grow (e.g, your portfolio) so you survive. But once you do let go of the safety nets of full-time employment, you realise this is life: no guarantees, security is an illusion.

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Thank you Zoe. There really is no security which is why we need a healthy ego to fend for ourselves, but as you know, there is also creativity and energy in choosing that path.

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Excellent. I hope your former boss reads this and feels like the idiot he is!

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Thank you Kathleen :)

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May 27Liked by Jill Ebstein

(I) learned that being your own boss meant you need a boot in one hand to kick yourself in the butt, and a pompom in the other, to cheer yourself on.

Love this. So true.

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Thank you Rasheed :)

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