Absolutely. I feel the same way. Grammarly is great for punctuation, technical and many other things but it wants to destroy our "voice". AI is good for facts and little else. Both are vanilla. Plain vanilla not even the French vanilla bean, deluxe churned ice cream. Free! Free! we must be free. LOL

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There is a place for vanilla but not in our writing :)

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Jun 6Liked by Jill Ebstein

I gave up Grammarly's paid version, and I only use the free one very rarely. To hell with the commas... ;)

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I pay for the best which can be helpful when I am doing client work and formal precision is good. But I want a way to notch it down to let me be me for my most fun writing.

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I trust human editors far more than virtual ones- at least, I can defend my decisions to use certain words and phrases to human ones if they raise objections, and their objections may be valid.

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